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The Coeo Blog

Check your CHECKDBs

To find out when the last successful DBCC CHECKDB for a given database was, we can use the DBCC DBINFO() command and look for the dbi_dbccLastKnownGood value. Alternatively, Microsoft introduced this information in the form of a DATABASEPROPERTYEX value, starting from SQL Server 2016 SP2:

Inside the Transaction Log file using fn_dblog() and fn_full_dblog()

In my previous blog post (https://blog.coeo.com/the-real-difference-between-the-select-...-into-and-insert-...-select-statements) I explored the difference between the ‘SELECT … INTO’ and ‘INSERT … SELECT’ and referenced the fn_dblog() function as a tool that can be used to retrieve information..

Servers – Pets, Cattle – mince?

Pet servers are those servers you named, nurtured (loved?). Cattle servers are disposable, numbers only. When they are sick they are “…taken out back, shot, and replaced…”. Containers offer a new way to think about the services we’re delivering – processing our cattle-like servers into something we..

Who unscheduled my agent jobs?


Due to the large number of different SQL Server instances (and versions) we support, we get the luxury of seeing unusual behaviour more often than most. Something I’ve seen three times now is a curious issue with the SQL Server Agent on SQL 2016 CU5 which rarely crops up following a..

Installing SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2012 R2 (the KB2919355 issue)

While performing an in-place SQL Server upgrade for a customer, I came across the KB2919355 issue. This article will show you how to resolve this this problem and point out why this can be misleading.

BACKUP LOG was unable to log updates for database in SQL Server 2016

If you’re running SQL Server 2016, you may want to install SQL Server Service Pack 1, CU8. I came across an issue recently that effectively caused the transaction log backups to hang. Through our proactive monitoring, we were alerted to the fact that a log backup had not been taken in 4 hours. Upon..

Is this the end of SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances?

One of the common customer queries we get at Coeo is how to provide high availability for SQL Server. I have been advocating the use of SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) to provide high availability for over 10 years. However, during a review of our reference architecture the question..

Simplifying key management in SQL Server by using Azure Key Vault

Implementing Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), Backup Encryption, Always Encrypted, Symmetric key and Asymmetric keys all require that a final secret is stored at some point which protects the encryption key(s) used to secure the data. The main difference between a symmetric and asymmetric key is..

Working with Technical Debt

As someone who has worked with many clients across many industries one of the common problems I see is companies who are finding it hard to juggle all the adhoc requests that come in to their data team. Report requests, data modifications, minor deployments, fixes or query performance tuning; no..

Using "With (nolock)"? Read this

Anyone that's worked with SQL for any length of time will undoubtedly have seen and heard the following

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