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The Coeo Blog

Kevin McNamara

Recent Posts

Availability groups in Azure – when always on is sometimes off

You picked the cloud because of the promises around VM availability. You deployed your data platform using availability groups to achieve the highest availability possible, but now you’re seeing outages – what’s going wrong?

Cyber Security Monthly News - February Summary 2019

Whether deliberately or through carelessness, fleshware continues to be a weak link for data security. That’s no excuse for not patching the software though.

Servers – Pets, Cattle – mince?

Pet servers are those servers you named, nurtured (loved?). Cattle servers are disposable, numbers only. When they are sick they are “…taken out back, shot, and replaced…”. Containers offer a new way to think about the services we’re delivering – processing our cattle-like servers into something we..

Recovering from Disaster - a five-point plan

Too often, a disaster recovery plan can look a little like it was put together by the underpants gnomes.

Phase 1: Take database backups

Phase 2: ???

Phase 3: Recovered from disaster

Starting with taking backups isn’t the worst idea (can’t say the same for collecting underpants), but this approach..

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