Providing the business with a disaster recovery capability in Microsoft Azure is a great way for organisations to start their Cloud journey. For many, this starts by backing up on-premises databases to Azure blob storage. In this article, I'll explain how you might (unknowingly) be spending more..
Matt Robertshaw

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A Consultant's guide to saving money on your Microsoft data platform
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been forced to implement short-medium term plans to protect not only their ability to transact, but also the health and wellbeing of their customers, partners and employees. Video calls, queueing at shops (and on websites) and home deliveries have..
Using Date Pickers in Power BI Report Builder
I was recently engaged with a client in building a report that had some very specific requirements; a paginated report that compared datasets from two different date ranges. Initially the client attempted to build the report in Power BI Desktop, however since the report needed to be paginated and..
Introducing Private Endpoints for Azure SQL Database
Over the last few years there's been increasing pressure on Microsoft to remove the need for applications to connect to Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) services via public endpoints. In February 2018 Microsoft announced the general availability of Virtual Network (VNet) Service Endpoints for..
"Why do I need a Load Balancer for an Availability Group Listener in Azure but not on-premises?"
Updated May 2021
I keep hearing this question being asked. It's not well documented nor is it widely known, but we know it's associated with the way failover clustering interacts with the Azure networking infrastructure. My latest blog post attempts to unravel this mystery and explain why the..
Reserved Capacity for Azure SQL Database
It doesn't seem that long ago when the DTU model was the only way of purchasing Azure SQL Database. In the last year Microsoft has announced some significant changes in the way we can buy it. Earlier in the year I blogged about the introduction of the vCore purchasing model, which provides greater..
New vCore purchasing option for Azure SQL Database
Managed Instance is now in public preview and with it is a purchasing option we haven't yet seen with traditional Azure SQL Database offerings, known as the vCore purchasing model. Earlier this month, Microsoft announced this model is now available in preview for Single Database and Elastic Pool..
Azure SQL Database Managed Instances - a real game changer!
Since its announcement 8 years ago, Azure SQL Database (DB) has been the go-to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering for SQL Server workloads in Microsoft Azure. During that time, SQL DB has matured to the point where the chasm that once existed with the boxed product we know and love, has narrowed..
Securing connections to SQL Server with TLS
Following one of my earlier blog posts about Always Encrypted, I thought I'd stick with the security theme for my latest one. With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the horizon, encrypting connections is one of the most common discussion points that comes up during customer..
Backing up your databases in Microsoft Azure
Configuring scheduled database backups has always been an important activity for database professionals. As we transition our SQL Server workloads into Microsoft Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), we now have a number of options available for backing up databases which at first glance can be..