I recently had to install a SQL Server 2008 R2 failover cluster on Windows Server 2012 R2. Some of you may be wondering if this is actually supported. A quick look at the hardware and software requirements for SQL Server 2008 R2 indicates that it is indeed supported.
Converging tables with PowerShell and TableDiff
If you've ever had to troubleshoot non-convergence with SQL Server Replication and not been able to initialize from a snapshot or backup, you could be left with the complex task of manually synchronising individual tables. Non-convergence is a term used to describe the differences in rows between..
Restoring 1000's of SQL Server Databases Using PowerShell
Recently I have been working with a client who has a production SQL Server instance that has ~2.5k databases on it. They are in the process of moving to a new SQL Server cluster and are reviewing their other non-production environments too.
Choosing the right tool for the job
I was working with a client recently when an architect expressed disdain for a particular part of the SQL Server stack. In this particular case the architect had then chosen to roll-their-own solution which they felt was better. My intention is not to comment on their particular solution but it did..
SQL Server Data Files in Azure – Part 1 – Creating a database
One of the interesting new features of SQL Server 2014 was being able to place SQL Server database files directly in Azure blob containers. The purpose of this post is to walk you through setting up a database with its data and log files in Azure. In a later post I plan to test the performance of a..
Common causes of SQL Server licensing pain
SQL Server’s licensing guidelines are long and complex – yet organisations seem to suffer from the same few pain points.
Azure Automation Pt.1 - Automation solutions for ETL in the Cloud
The aim of this article is to provide a high-level overview of Extract, Transform and Load processes in Azure. Throughout the post, I will share my own experience working with Azure Data Factory and Automation over the last few months, and this blog will act as a primer for future posts, where I..