It has been now quite a few years since I was sitting in school, being pleasantly bored by the works and sonnets of Shakespeare, and failing to grasp the meanings and intricate language he used. Now in hindsight, I realise that I just never understood (or tried to understand) some of the meanings..
Edward Harrison

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Cyber Security Monthly News - March Summary 2019
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SQL Server: The Problems of Having Thousands of Databases on a Single Instance
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RDP broken due to Windows Update - and how to fix it
Published: May 2018
In the past couple of weeks, following the recent Windows update CVE-2018-0886, we have had multiple occurrences of ourselves and our customers having issues connecting to some of their servers via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). When trying to RDP to certain servers, we are..
How to prevent Robocopy from hiding your files and how to fix it when it does
I recently had a scary moment at a customer when I was testing to see how long it would take to copy a data file between two of their disks using Robocopy and an old and relatively small backup file. If you haven't heard of Robocopy, then you should look into it as a command line (cmd) tool for..